There are random nights when Ashley sleeps through the entire night but then there are other nights when she's up every 2 hours. Kelly has been a trooper every night, shielding me so I can be rested for work the next day. I don't know how she does it running on no sleep at all, but she continues to impress me.
Last weekend, Grandma and Grandpa Rothery came into town for Easter. On Saturday, we hung around the house and watched the Masters. Ashley was intently watching Tiger's swing to get some tips for the future.
Ashley went to her first church service on Easter Sunday. She actually had no idea we went because she slept the entire time.
After church we went to a really tasty brunch downtown and then the grandparents left.
This Thursday, Ashley celebrated her one month birthday. It's amazing how fast one month has already gone. I'm beginning to realize that when parents say it flies they are not messing around.
Here is a picture from this morning after we gave Ashley a bath.

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